Suzhou International Expo Centre

Medtec Innovation Suzhou

2024.12.23-24 | Hall A Suzhou International Expo Centre

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How a New Sensor Can Help You Make a Baby

EarlySense debuted a contact-free fertility and period tracker based on its under-the-mattress health monitoring platform.


Women trying to get pregnant – or trying to avoid it – have a new digital tracking option.

EarlySense is far from the only company to develop a fertility app, but so far it is the only company offering an under-the-mattress monitoring solution built on a platform that has already been clinically proven.

The company introduced the Percept ovulation and period tracker this week. The device uses an advanced algorithm to detect the body’s internal signals to inform women about their ovulation, menstruation, sleep, vital signs, and stress levels.

In a clinical study of hundreds of cycles tracked, Percept predicted when the user was most fertile with 31% higher accuracy than standard ovulation estimation processes, according to EarlySense. After learning a woman’s monthly pattern, Percept can predict the exact day of ovulation in more than 60% of cycles within a day, and within two days of ovulation in more than 75% of cycles, the company said.

The device also offers up to a six-day fertility window, and predicts when their period will start within 1.3 days on average, EarlySense said.

Millions of women are already using one of a variety of app-based period trackers, but EarlySense said it saw a need for a convenient, medically-proven solution.

“With Percept, there is finally no more guesswork or hassle when trying to conceive, only advanced, clinically-proven science helping nature do its miraculous work,” said Avner Halperin, CEO of EarlySense.

The system does not require the woman to pee on a stick, wear a patch, or measure her temperature, the company noted. To use the device, women just slip the sensor under their mattress and connect via Bluetooth to the Percept smartphone app.

EarlySense also said it plans to present its clinical results at the conference of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in October. The system is available on Amazon for $199.
