Suzhou International Expo Centre

Medtec Innovation Suzhou

2024.12.23-24 | Hall A Suzhou International Expo Centre

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Philips and Disney want to make MRIs easier for children: Here’s how

Royal Philips (NYSE:PHG) announced today that it is teaming up with Disney to test the effects of custom-made animation to create a relaxing atmosphere for young patients.

Amsterdam-based Philips will collaborate with The Walt Disney Company EMEA to see whether the animation, including specially-made Disney stories within Philips’ Ambient Experience, creates a relaxing atmosphere to improve both the patient and clinical experience during pediatric MRI procedures, according to a news release.

Disney’s animation features characters like Mickey Mouse, Ariel (The Little Mermaid), Marvel’s Avengers, Yoda (Star Wars) and more. Patients will be allowed to select Disney content featuring their favorite character to give a sense of familiarity, control and comfort.

The goal is to help alleviate childrens’ anxiety and allow the staff to create bonds and improve their ability to carry out tasks in MRI scanning rooms in six leading European hospitals. The project will commence this summer, with results expected later in the year. This is also the first time Disney has participated in a clinical research project of this kind.

Philips’ Ambient Experience is designed to integrate architecture, design and technologies, including dynamic lighting, video projections and sound for a personalized, relaxing atmosphere.

“I have seen first-hand that MRI scans can be intimidating for children, and I like how focused Philips is on the patient experience,” Walt Disney Company EMEA president Jan Koeppen said in the release. “At Disney, we look forward to complementing Philips’ MRI experience with our stories and characters. We are excited to see the results of the clinical research and to quantify the impact our characters can have in this environment.”

The companies cited a study carried out by the New Economics Foundation, which found that well-known Disney characters could build trust for children in anxious circumstances, inspiring and creating positive feelings, experiences and memories in creating an overall positive experience.

“A visit to the hospital can be quite intimidating for people, and especially children, where a more patient-friendly, patient-centric environment could help improve the patient experience and help drive first-time-right imaging for improved outcomes,” Philips chief business leader of precision diagnostics Kees Wesdorp said in the release. “With this pilot study, we will investigate the impact of Philips Ambient Experience, including Disney’s specially developed themes, to empower children with a positive experience to help them throughout the medical procedure. Philips has always taken a human-centric approach to healthcare. Together, we can make a real difference for thousands of young patients going through medical procedures each day.”

Article source:Medical Design & Outsourcing By Sean Whooley