Sensors: The Heart of Minimally Invasive Equipment Technology

Through the years, minimally invasive equipment technology has grown exponentially, offering new ways for doctors to diagnose and treat their patients. From orthopedics and reproductive health to cardiology and vascular procedures, medical innovations are allowing doctors to perform more complicated minimally invasive procedures than previously before. But truth be told, these advances in technology would not be possible without the use of advanced sensors.
For patients, the benefits of minimally invasive procedures are great and include more precise incisions, smaller wounds, minimal blood loss, fewer complications, less pain, quicker healing, and shorter hospital stays. The success and benefits of these minimally invasive procedures relies heavily on force, pressure, temperature, and other sensors that allow for accurate, reliable measurements.
Not only do these sensing technologies monitor the medical equipment itself, but they also can be placed within the patient’s body to physically monitor vital information and relay that data to the surgeon. It’s no surprise that these sensors are built to be durable and to withstand the harsh environment of the human body. They are also extremely compact to fit into catheters and still leave room for other sensors and tools. For example, TE’s Intrasense absolute pressure sensor is one of the smallest pressure sensors in the market and tiny enough to fit into a 1-French hypo tube – that’s smaller than President Lincoln’s nose on the U.S. penny.
Let’s look at a real-life example of sensors at work in minimally invasive procedures. When a patient presents with arrhythmia, a heart abnormality whereby the heart beats too fast, too slow, or irregularly, doctors use ablation catheters to access the heart through an artery. This procedure produces an ablation line or scar tissue on the heart to block the abnormal electric signals affecting the heartbeat. Temperature and pressure sensors are critical for improving ablation catheter outcomes. Such sensors are extremely small and must meet stringent medical requirements for these challenging procedures.
Beyond ablation catheters, pressure and thermo-dilution catheters are another example of the critical use of advanced sensors in minimally invasive procedures. The constant monitoring of arterial or ventricular blood pressures is a common use of pressure catheters, and advanced micro-sensors have made coronary artery bypass surgery much less invasive than in the past. These sensors, too, allow for precise monitoring in small spaces.
Within thermo-dilution catheters, temperature and pressure sensors allow for accurate monitoring of cardiac output, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, and central venous pressure in minimally invasive heart and lung procedures.
As minimally invasive procedures continue to evolve so will the use of sensors. Sensors are truly at the center of the medical industry creating an even more connected healthcare ecosystem and providing both physicians and patients with data critical to advancing overall health and improving outcomes.
Medical Source:Medical Product Sourcing